Suggested Searching Keywords



Location: VGU Library & HCMC Office

  1. Development economics : theory, empirical research, and policy analysis / Julie Schaffner, Tufts University. 2014. Shelf number: 338.9 S2968
  2. Qualitative GIS : a mixed methods approach / [edited by] Meghan Cope, Sarah Elwood. 2009. Shelf number: 910.285 Q251
  3. Ecological urbanism / edited by Mohsen Mostafavi and Gareth Doherty. 2016. Shelf number: 307.12164 H2615
  4. Smart cities : governing, modelling, and analysing the transition / [edited by] Mark Deakin. 2014. Shelf number: 307.1216 Sm27
  5. Contemporary urban planning / John M. Levy. 2013. Shelf number:  307.12160973 L6681
  6. Now urbanism : the future city is here / edited by Jeffrey Hou, Benjamin Spencer, Thaisa Way, and Ken Yocom. 2015. Shelf number: 307.1216 N86
  7. Sustainable transportation planning : tools for creating vibrant, healthy, and resilient communities / Jeffrey Tumlin. 2012. Shelf number: 388.4 T925
  8. Infrastructure and land policies / edited by Gregory K. Ingram and Karin L. Brandt. 2013. Shelf number:  333.73 I439
  9. Handbook of green building design and construction : LEED, BREEAM, and Green Globes / Sam Kubba, PH.D., LEED AP. 2017. Shelf number: 720.47 K9509
  10. Public transport planning and management in developing countries / Ashish Verma, T.V. Ramanayya. 2015. Shelf number: 388.40684 V522
  11. Cities and climate change : urban sustainability and global environmental governance / Harriet Bulkeley and Michele M. Betsill. 2003. Shelf number: 363.73874525091732 B934
  12. Introduction to traffic engineering : a manual for data collection and analysis / Thomas R. Currin. 2013. Shelf number:  388.41312 C9768



Location: VGU Library

  1. Forbes US
  2. Forbes VN
  3. Vietnam News
  4. New York Times
  5. The Wall Street Journal
  6. National Geographic


Open Access Journals

  1. One Ecosystem
  2. Environmental & Socio-economic Studies
  3. Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design
  4. Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
  5. Frontiers of Architectural Research
  6. Frontiers in Built Environment
  7. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment
  8. TECHNE – Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment
  9. Production Engineering Archives Journal
  10. Urban, Planning and Transport Research
  11. Building & Management
  12. Urban Planning
  13. Iconarp International Journal of Architecture and Planning
  14. City, Territory and Architecture
  15. Journal of Regional and City Planning
  16. European Journal of Spatial Development (EJSD)
  17. Journal of Urban Management
  18. Journal of Landscape Ecology



  1. Proquest (accounts provided via emails)
  2. SpringerLink (accounts provided via emails)
  3. IEEE (accounts provided via emails)
  4. Science Direct (accounts provided via emails)
  5. MathSciNet® (accounts provided via emails)
  6. OECD (accounts provided via emails)
  7. MIT OCW 
  8. Open Knowledge Repository
  9. Vietnam Journal Online
  10. DOAJ
  11. ROAD
  12. Digital Commons Network
  13. OAIster
  14. FreeFullPDF
  15. INASP – Journals Online (JOLs) project from developing countries


Links for Open Access: eBooks – eTheses – eJournals

  1. eJournals and more
  2. eBooks
  3. eTheses & Repository



  1. Global Platform for Sustainable Cities
  2. City Alliance
  3. Congress for the New Urbanism
  4. Eco Compact City Network
  5. European Association for Urban History
  7. International Society of City and Regional Planners
  8. Smart Cities
  9. Sustainable Urban Transport Project
  10. TEDCity2.0
  11. Urban Gateway
  12. Women in Cities International
  13. Sustainable Cities – World Bank blog
  14. Urbanicity’s Top 100 Urban Websites



  1. Sustainability Dictionary
  2. Glossary of Urban Planning Terms
  3. Glossary for urban green infrastructure
  4. Urban Dictionary
  5. Glossary of Planning Portal
  6. Urban Environmental Management Keywords
  7. SUMP Glossary
  8. Community Planning Glossary
  9. Oxford Dictionary
  10. Encyclopedia
  11. Encyclopedia – Britannica
  12. Encyclopedia – Infoplease
  13. Encyclopedia – Thefreedictionary