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Physical chemistry; Physical sensors; Sensor electronics; C++ Programming; Matlab; Simulink; Advanced manufacturing technology; Sensor technology; Control theory; Modeling; Simulation; Validation; Advanced physical sensors; Environmental process technology; Embedded systems; Microcontroller; Digital signal processing; Digital control systems; Automation systems; Project management; Sensor networks: Bus systems; Automotive sensors; Systems engineering; Modern intelligence; Controller technology; System identification; Numerical simulation; Medical imaging guidance; etc..
Location: VGU Library
- Encyclopedia of electronic components / Platt, Charles. 2013. Shelf number: 621.3815 P7191
- Handbook of Modern Sensors/ 2010. Shelf number: F799 681.2
- The C++ programming language / Bjarne Stroustrup. 2013. Shelf number: 005.133 S9258
- Classical feedback control with MATLAB and Simulink / Boris Lurie, Paul Enright. 2012. Shelf number: 629.83028553 L967
- Numerical methods in engineering with MATLAB / Kiusalaas, Jaan. 2010. Shelf number: 620.001518 K627
- Manufacturing engineering and technology / Serope Kalpakjian, Illinois Institute of Technology, Steven R. Schmid, The University of Notre Dame. 2014. Shelf number: 670.42 K148
- Essential university physics / Wolfson, Richard. 2016. Shelf number: 530 W8338
- Chemical principles : the quest for insight / Atkins, P. W. (Peter William), 1940- . 2010. Shelf number: 540 A873
- Sensor technology and devices / edited by Ljubisa Ristic. 1994. Shelf number: 681.2 20 S4785
- Modern control engineering / Katsuhiko Ogata. 2010. Shelf number: 629.8 O341
- Simulation modeling and analysis / Averill M. Law. 2007. Shelf number: 003.3 L4151 22
- Embedded system design : embedded systems foundations of cyber-physical systems / Marwedel, Peter, 1949- . 2011. Shelf number: 004.21 M391 22
- Sensor technology handbook / Wilson, Jon S., (Consultant) . 2005. Shelf number: 681.2 S4785 22
- Making embedded systems : / Elecia White. 2012. Shelf number: 005.1 W5821 23
- Building wireless sensor networks / Robert Faludi. 2011. Shelf number: 621.3821 F197 23
- Automotive sensors / John Turner. 2009. Shelf number: 629.2549 T9484
- Artificial intelligence : a modern approach / Stuart J Russell, Peter Norvig. 2016. Shelf number: 006.3 R9611
- Computer Networks / Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall. 2011. Shelf number: 004.6 T155A
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