
Location: VGU Library

  1. Encyclopedia of electronic components / Platt, Charles. 2013. Shelf number: 621.3815 P7191
  2. Discrete mathematics and its applications / Rosen, Kenneth H. 2013. Shelf number: 511 R8132
  3. Advanced modern engineering mathematics / James, Glyn. 2011. Shelf number: 515.102462 J277
  4. Numerical methods in engineering with MATLAB / Kiusalaas, Jaan. 2010. Shelf number: 620.001518 K627
  5. Springer handbook of mechanical engineering / Grote, Karl-Heinrich. 2009. Shelf number:  621.8 S7695
  6. Essential university physics / Wolfson, Richard. 2016. Shelf number: 530 W8338
  7. Chemical principles : the quest for insight / Atkins, P. W. (Peter William), 1940- . 2010. Shelf number: 540 A873
  8. Advanced engineering thermodynamics / Bejan, Adrian, 1948- . 2006. Shelf number:  621.4021 B4239 22
  9. Mechanics for engineers : Dynamics / Hibbeler, R. C. 2013. Shelf number: 531.302462 H6243
  10. Making things move : DIY mechanisms for inventors, hobbyists, and artists / Roberts, Dustyn. 2010. Shelf number: 621.8 R6438
  11. Embedded system design : embedded systems foundations of cyber-physical systems / Marwedel, Peter, 1949- . 2011. Shelf number:  004.21 M391 22
  12. Sensor technology handbook / Wilson, Jon S., (Consultant) . 2005. Shelf number:  681.2 S4785 22
  13. Mechanical design engineering handbook / Childs, Peter R. N., author. 2014. Shelf number: 621.815 C4378
  14. Fluid mechanics / Fox, Robert W., 1934- . 2012. Shelf number:  620.106 F7911
  15. Electrical feed drives in automation : basics, computation, dimensioning / Gross, Hans. 2001. Shelf number: 629.8 G8781 21
  16. The renewable city : a comprehensive guide to an urban revolution / Droege Peter. 2006. Shelf number: 307.76 D783
  17. Performance measurement and control systems for implementing strategy / Simons, Robert. 2014. Shelf number: 658.1511 Si574


Location: VGU Library

  1. Automation Today
  2. Vietnam Journal of Mechanics
  3. Journal of Computer Science & Cybernetics
  4. Vietnam News
  5. New York Times
  6. The Wall Street Journal
  7. National Geographic

Open Access Journals

  1. IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation
  2. Journal of Mechanical Engineering
  3. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN)
  4. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
  5. Energy, Sustainability and Society
  6. Mechanical Sciences
  7. Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability
  8. International Journal of Integrated Engineering
  9. International Journal of Electronics, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
  10. Archives of Mechanical Technology and Materials
  11. Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
  12. Mechanics and Control
  13. Thermal Science
  14. Robotics
  15. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
  16. JIDEG: Journal of Industrial Design and Engineering Graphics


  1. Proquest (accounts provided via emails)
  2. SpringerLink (accounts provided via emails)
  3. IEEE (accounts provided via emails)
  4. Science Direct (accounts provided via emails)
  5. MathSciNet® (accounts provided via emails)
  6. OECD (accounts provided via emails)
  7. MIT OCW 
  8. Open Knowledge Repository
  9. Vietnam Journal Online
  10. DOAJ
  11. ROAD
  12. Digital Commons Network
  13. OAIster
  14. FreeFullPDF
  15. INASP – Journals Online (JOLs) project from developing countries


Links for Open Access: eBooks – eTheses – eJournals

  1. eJournals and more
  2. eBooks
  3. eTheses & Repository



  1. Mechanical Engineering Portal
  2. eFunda
  3. MatWeb – Magazine
  4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  5. How Stuff Works
  6. Eng – Links
  7. iCrank
  8. GlobalSpec
  9. Mechanical Engineering
  10. Engineer Students
  11. Open Engineering (Open Source Software Collection)


  1. Mechanical Engineering terms
  2. Computer and Technology terms
  3. Computer terms
  4. Mechanical Engineering terms
  5. Oxford Dictionary
  6. Encyclopedia
  7. Encyclopedia – Britannica
  8. Encyclopedia – Infoplease
  9. Encyclopedia – Thefreedictionary

Suggested keywords: Mechanics; Automation; Thermodynamics; Engineering design; Renewable energy; Fluid mechanics; Chemistry; Physics; Mathematics; Electrical engineering; etc.