Suggested Searching Keywords
Production planning; Advanced manufacturing engineering; CAD modelling; Collaborative engineering design; Machine tools; Machine elements; Quality management; Sustainable engineering systems; Joining technology; Automation engineering; Lean management and manufacturing; Quality engineering; Engineering economics; Project management; Entrepreneurship education; Production systems; Systematic product development; Product Complexity and Conformance; Technology and Innovation management; Intercultural soft skills; etc.

Location: VGU Library & HCMC
- Manufacturing engineering and technology / Serope Kalpakjian, Illinois Institute of Technology, Steven R. Schmid, The University of Notre Dame. 2014. Shelf number: 670.42 K148
- Integrated product and process development : methods, tools, and technologies / edited by John M. Usher, Utpal Roy, Hamid R. Parsaei. 1998. Shelf number: 658.5 I61113
- Mechanical design engineering handbook / Peter R.N. Childs. 2014. Shelf number: 621.815 C4378
- Quality management / by R. Panneerselvam and P. Sivasankaran. 2014. Shelf number: 658.562 P1944
- Springer handbook of mechanical engineering / Grote, Karl-Heinrich. 2009. Shelf number: 621.8 S7695
- Making things move : DIY mechanisms for inventors, hobbyists, and artists / Dustyn Roberts. 2010. Shelf number: 621.8 R6438
- Lean design management / Stephen Emmitt. 2012. Shelf number: 658.5752 Em66
- Project management : a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling / Harold Kerzner, Ph. D. Senior Executive Director for Project Management, the International Institute for Learning, New York, New York. 2013. Shelf number: 658.404 K419 23
- Start-up city : inspiring private & public entrepreneurship, getting projects done, and having fun / Gabe Klein ; with David Vega-Barachowitz ; foreword by Robin Chase. 2015. Shelf number: 307.760973 K6724
- The synchronized production system : going beyond just-in-time through kaizen / Hitoshi Takeda; SPS Management Consultants. 2006. Shelf number: 658.5 T1396
- Innovation management and new product development / Paul Trott, Portsmouth Business School. 2017. Shelf number: 658.575 T8584
- Cross-cultural knowledge management : fostering innovation and collaboration inside the multicultural enterprise / Manlio Del Giudice, Elias G. Carayannis, Maria Rosaria Della Peruta.. 2012. Shelf number: 658.4038 D3527
Location: VGU Library
- Automation Today
- Vietnam Journal of Mechanics
- Journal of Computer Science & Cybernetics
- The Economist
- Financial Times
- Forbes US
- Forbes VN
- Vietnam News
- New York Times
- The Wall Street Journal
- National Geographic
Open Access Journals
- Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research
- Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (JAMT)
- Management Systems in Production Engineering
- Production Engineering Archives Journal
- Journal of Mechanical Engineering
- International Journal of Engineering Business Management (IJEBM)
- Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
- International Journal of Engineering Materials and Manufacture
- Production & Manufacturing Research
- Mechanical Sciences
- Manufacturing Review
- International Journal of Integrated Engineering
- Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing
- Archives of Mechanical Technology and Materials
- Mechanics and Control
- International Journal of Lean Thinking
- Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research (JGER)
- International Journal of Quality Innovation
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- Open Knowledge Repository
- Vietnam Journal Online
- Digital Commons Network
- OAIster
- FreeFullPDF
- INASP – Journals Online (JOLs) project from developing countries
Links for Open Access: eBooks – eTheses – eJournals
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
- Engineering Edge
- Global Quality
- Best Manufacturing Practices
- Mechanical Engineering Portal
- Allaboutcareer – Production engineering
- eFunda
- MatWeb – Magazine
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- How Stuff Works
- Eng – Links
- iCrank
- GlobalSpec
- Mechanical Engineering
- Engineer Students
- Matmatch