IELTS; Writing; Speaking; Listening; Reading; Communication skills; Public speaking; Presentation skills; Debating; Note-taking skills; etc.

Location: VGU Library & Foundation Dept.
English language skills
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. 2010. Shelf number: 423 Ox22A
- IELTS foundation : Study skills : a self-study course for all academic modules / Short, Jane. 2012. Shelf number: 428.24 S55949
- Cambridge IELTS 7 examination papers from the University of Cambridge ESOL examinations : English for speakers of other languages / Capel, Annette. 2009. Shelf number: 428.24 S55949428.0076 C1785 23
- Cambridge IELTS 9 : Authentic examination papers from Cambridge ESOL / Black, Michael. 2006. Shelf number: 428.24 C1781
- Cambridge IELTS. 10 : authentic examination papers from Cambridge English language assessment : with answers and downloadable audio. 2015. Shelf number: 428.24 C1781
- Cambridge IELTS. 11 : academic : authentic examination papers : with answers and downloadable audio. Shelf number: 428.24 C1781
- Common mistakes at IELTS intermediate … and how to avoid them / Cullen, Pauline. 2007. Shelf number: 428.0076 C9675
- IELTS Graduation : Study skills : a self-study course for all academic modules / Martineau, Charlie. 2007. Shelf number: 428.24 M3851
- Objective IELTS : advanced / Black, Michael. Shelf number: 2006 428.24 B6271
- IELTS express : Intermediate coursebook / Hallows, Richard. 2013. Shelf number: 428.24 H193
- Writing academic English / Oshima, Alice. 2006. Shelf number: 808.042 O825 22
- The Cambridge introduction to creative writing / Morley, David. 2007. Shelf number: 808.042 M8641 22
- Public speaking : choices and responsibilities / Keith, William. 2012. Shelf number: 808.51 K287
- English vocabulary in use : Advanced / McCarthy, Michael. 2013. Shelf number: 428.2 R318
- Cambridge vocabulary for IELTS advanced with answers : self-study vocabulary practice / Cullen, Pauline. 2012. Shelf number: 428.0076 C9675
- IELTS academic 14 with answer: authentic examination papers/University of Cambridge. 2019. Shelf number: 428.24
- IELTS 16 : academic with answers : authentic practice tests/Cambridge University. 2021. Shelf number: 428.24076
- Cambridge IELTS. 15, Academic : with answers : authentic practice tests./Cambridge University.2020. Shelf number:428.0076
- Barron’s IELTS practice exams : with audio CDs/ Barron’s Educational Series, 2013./Shelf number:428.24076
- Ready for IELTS : student’s book pack with answers/ London Macmillan Education, 2017.Shelf number: 428.24
- IELTS Graduation : Study skills : a self-study course for all academic modules/Charlie Martineau, Jane Short/ Oxford : Macmillan, 2007. Shelf number: 428.24
German language skills
- Zeige-Bild Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch / Höller, Katrin. 2014. Shelf number: 400 Z46
- Studio d A1 : Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Kurs- und Ubungsbuch. 2013. Shelf number: 430 S93365
- Studio d A2 : Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Kurs- und Ubungsbuch. 2012. Shelf number: 430 S93365
- Studio d B1 : Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Testheft / Pistorius, Hannelore. 2012. Shelf number: 430 P679
- Studio d B2/1 : die Mittelstufe : Deutsch als Fremdsprache : Unterrichtsvorbereitung mit Kopiervorlagen und Tests / Winzer-Kiontke, Wur. 2013. Shelf number: 430 W795
- Studio d B2/2 : die Mittelstufe : Deutsch als Fremdsprache : Kurs- und Ubungsbuch / Kuhn, Christina. 2013. Shelf number: 430 K9613
- Em Ubungsgrammatik : Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Hering, Axel. 2002. Shelf number: 435 H546
Das Leben A1.1. […] Kurs– und Übungsbuch / Hermann Funk [und 3 weitere]. 2020. Shelf number: 438 General 09000699
Das Leben A1. […] Kurs– und Übungsbuch / Hermann Funk, Christina Kuhn, Laura Nielsen, Rita von Eggeling. 2020. Shelf number: 430 GLT 09006523
Das Leben : Deutsch als Fremdsprache : Kurs– und Übungsbuch. A2 / Hermann Funk, Christina Kuhn, Laura Nielsen, Gunther Weimann. 2020. Shelf number: 430 GLT 09006525
Das Leben : Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kurs– und Übungsbuch B1, Kurs– und Übungsbuch : B1 / Hermann Funk, Christina Kuhn, Laura Nielsen. 2022. Shelf number: 430 GLT 09007788
Location: VGU Library
Reading English newspapers and magazines can enable you to improve your English skills which are helpful to prepare yourself for the Bachelor/Master courses.
- Viet Nam News
- International New York Times
- The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times
- Time
- National Geographic
- Reader’s digest
- Sunflower
- Forbes USA
- Financial Times
- The Economist
English Language Websites
- Australian Network
- Writefix
- AustralianPlus – IELTS Preparation
- Insearch eLearning – UTS
- BBC Learning English
- British Council
- One Stop English
- English for you
- English Online
- English Zone
- Learn a free online English course
German Language Websites
- Learn German : the complete beginner’s guide to learning German fast
- Duolingo (Learning a language)
- (Learn German)
- Memrise (Learning a language)
- Loecsen (Free online language courses – Learn German)
- Digital Dialects
- Wie Geht’s German
- iLanguages
- Tolearnfree
- Mylanguages
- 39 Best Free Websites To Learn German Language and other languages
- Grimm Grammar
- The German Project
- German Stories
Links for Open Access: eBooks – eTheses – eJournals
- Presentation skills
- Communication skills
- Debating skills
- Public speaking skills:
- 10 tips for improving your public speaking skills
- How to improve your public speaking skills
- Public speaking: an online resource guide
Online Dictionaries – Thesaurus – ESP Terms
English and Specialized Dictionaries
- Oxford Dictionary
- Cambridge Dictionary
- Collation Dictionary
- Phrasal verbs
- Engineering Dictionary
- Business dictionary
- Economics A-Z
- The economist – A-Z terms
- Computer and Technology terms
- Computer terms
- Mechanical Engineering terms
German – English Dictionaries
- Pons Dictionary
- Dictionary
- Dictionary
- Langenscheidt Dictionary
- Dictionary
- Dictionary
- Synonym
- Management Information System Terms
- Information Management Glossary
- Glossary of Management Terms
- Glossary of IT Terms
- Dictionary of Accounting terms
- Business dictionary
- Economics A-Z
- The economist – A-Z terms
- Encyclopedia
- Encyclopedia – Britannica
- Encyclopedia – Infoplease
- Encyclopedia – Thefreedictionary
- Engineering Mathematics 1:
- Precalculus, Mathematics for Calculus by James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, and Saleem Watson (7th edition) – Available at the VGU library 512.1 General 09005117
- Engineering Mathematics 2:
- Precalculus, Mathematics for Calculus by James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, and Saleem Watson (7th edition) – Available at the VGU library 512.1 General 09005117
- Calculus, Early Transcendentals by James Stewart (8th edition) – Available at the VGU library 515 S8497
- Discrete Mathematics and Its applications by Kenneth H Rosen – Available at the VGU library 511 R8132 by Kenneth H Rosen –
- General Physics:
- Textbook: Walker, Halliday & Reznik, Fundamental of Physics, 10th Ed., J. Wiley & Sons (2014): from chapter 21 to chapter 38 – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- References: Walker, Halliday & Reznik, Fundamental of Physics, 10th Ed., J. Wiley & Sons (2014): from chapter 21 to chapter 38 – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Engineering IT (Matlab):
- “Excel VBA Programming for dummies“, 3rd edition, John Walkenbach, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2013 – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- “Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA“, 7th edition, H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel, Prentice Hall, 2007. – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- “Writing Excel Macros with VBA“, 2nd edition, Steven Roman, O’Reilly Media, 2002. – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- “The Ultimate Excel VBA Master”, Peter Bradley, Michael Vine, Independently published, 2019. – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- “Microsoft Excel 2019 VBA and Macros”, 1st edition, Bill Jelen and Tracy Syrstad, Microsoft Press, 2019. – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- “Excel 2013 power programming with VBA: John Walkenbach, 2013. Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Introduction to CAD
- Chemistry (No recommendations)
- Technical Drawing
- Manual of engineering drawing, C H Simmons (Colin H.)D E Maguire (Dennis E.)Neil Phelps IEng MIED, 2009 – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Textbook of Engineering Drawing, K V Reddy, BS Publication, 2nd Edition – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library BCE Projects (No recommendations)
- Mathematics
- Precalculus, Mathematics for Calculus by James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, and Saleem Watson (7th edition) – Available at the VGU library 512.1 General 09005117
- General Physics
- Textbook: Walker, Halliday & Reznik, Fundamental of Physics, 10th Ed., J. Wiley & Sons (2014): from chapter 21 to chapter 38 – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- References: Walker, Halliday & Reznik, Fundamental of Physics, 10th Ed., J. Wiley & Sons (2014): from chapter 21 to chapter 38 – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Art and Visual Studies
- The language of architecture (26 principle every architect should know) by Andrea Simitch and Val Warke – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- The complete guide to perspective drawing (form one- point to six – point) by Craig Attebery – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- Drawing school fundamentals for the beginner (a comprehensive drawing course) by Jim Dowdalls – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- The complete color harmony pantone edition by Leatrice Fiseman – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- Technical Drawing
- Engineering Drawing, M B Shah, Pearson publication, 2007 – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Textbook of Engineering Drawing, K V Reddy, BS Publication, 2nd Edition – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Architectural Drawing (No recommendations)
- Sculpture for Architecture (No recommendations)
- Introduction to Auto CAD 1
- Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019,Omura and B. C. Benton, Sybex, 2018 (required) – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- F. E. Giesecke et al., Technical Drawings with Engineering Graphics, 15th ed., Pearson, 2016 – Available at the VGU library aisle 604.2 MEN 09005854
- B. S. Palm and A. Yarwood, Introduction to AutoCAD 2020, Routledge, 2019 – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- AutoCAD 2019 for Architectural Design, Tutorial Books, 2018. – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Introduction to Auto CAD 2 (No recommendations)
- Landis, R.B., Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th ed., ISBN-10: 0979348749 (required) – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Stephan, Park, Sill, Bowman & Ohland, “Thinking like an Engineer“, 3rd edition, Pearson, 2015 – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Moaveni, S. Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 5th ed. Cengage Learning, 2014 – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Exploring of Computer Science (No recommendations)
- Introduction to Programming (No recommendations)
- Apply Math for Computer Science
- Precalculus, Mathematics for Calculus by James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, and Saleem Watson (7th edition) – Available at the VGU library 512.1 General 09005117
- Information Technology
- “An Introduction to ANSI C on UNIX”, Paul Wang, Computer Science, 1991. – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- Information and system
- James A. O’Brien, George Marakas (2008), Introduction to Information Systems, Mc-Graw Hill – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- Multi-disciplinary Project
- For the design of the web app: Design of a web app for an IoT system by Thuyet Nguyen – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- For students preparation:
- Business Administration
- Robbins. S. P., & Coulter. M. A. 2020. Management, 15th Edition, Pearson.- Available at the VGU library at aisle 658 R538
- Mishkin, F. S., 2019, The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 12th Global Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley. – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- Viney. C., & Phillips. P. 2019. Financial Institutions and Markets, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill. – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- Brealey, R. A., Myers. S. C., & Allen. F. 2020. Principles of Corporate Finance, 13th Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill. – Print copy not available at the VGU library
- Mathematics 1
- Applied Computational Economics and Finance – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Mathematics 2
- Introduction to probability models by Sheldon Ross, 10th edition – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Business IT and R
- Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft Office Excel 2007: The L Line , The Express Line to Learning – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Introduction to Economics
- Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers by W. J. Palm III (3rd edition) – Available at the VGU library at aisle 518.0285 P18
- An introduction to MATLAB: Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineers by T. Siauw and A. M. Bayen – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- MATLAB: A practical introduction to Programming and Problem Solving by S. Attaway (2nd edition) – Print copy not yet available at the VGU library
- Introduction to Management (No recommendations)